Experiment : alternative versions of the Chartres Labyrinth

Chartres like Labyrinth drawn on a potato

Chartres Labyrinth - How many different versions can we create ?

I recently stumbled upon a famous labyrinth in Chartres (France), 12th century.

At first sight, Chartres Labyrinth is amazing. You can't immediately figure out how it works (entrance, exit, path, dead ends, ...). It appears on the paved floor of a religious building. When I was there, the labyrinth was visible under numerous chairs installed on the floor. In those circonstances, you try to follow the path of the labyrinth with your eyes, from a distance. But its concentric circles have a puzzling visual effect. You need to follow it for real, on foot.

After a while, trying to follow the path, avoiding the chairs, it appears that it is not a maze : it has only one path, no dead ends, the entrance and the exit are the same. The specialists use the term "unicursal".

Then a question arise : how many of those labyrinths can you create, following the same design and rules (more or less). If there are more than one solution, why choose this particular one.

This question can take a bit of time.. I guess mathematicians know the answer.
I finally managed (hardship with design softwares...) to produce some variants of the Chartres Labyrinth. There seem to be a lot more...

That could be the subject of a playful hoax : flooding the internet with images of alternative versions of the Chartres Labyrinth, and see if people get caught. Am I just trying that here, on a modest scale ?

Some alternative versions to the Chartres Labyrinth - 4 sectors - 11 circuits

Alternative to Chartres Labyrinth
this one has a small dead end and a short straight path that is an island ; 
not perfect, because all the surface is not used

Alternative version to Chartres Labyrinth
This one has 2 small dead ends : we should avoid that

Alternative version to Chartres Labyrinth
this one contains a closed curved path that is an "island" (in the middle of the down right quarter)  : 
an example of what we should certainly avoid

Alternative version to Chartres Labyrinth
this one is better, but still has a small dead end, and a straight island

Alternative version to Chartres Labyrinth
this one is cool... only 2 small dead ends 
but several branches to and from the central trunk

Alternative version to Chartres Labyrinth
Alternative version to Chartres LabyrinthAlternative version to Chartres Labyrinth
Same version, but without the dead end

Alternative version to Chartres Labyrinth

Alternative version to Chartres Labyrinth

Some alternative versions, Chartres-like Labyrinths - 5 sectors - 11 circuits

Alternative version  - Chartres like Labyrinth - 5 sectors - 11 circuits
Not that bad, with five lobes, one dead end here

Alternative version  - Chartres like Labyrinth - 5 sectors - 11 circuits
Two small dead ends, here

Alternative version  - Chartres like Labyrinth - 5 sectors - 11 circuits
Same as before, but without the dead ends, 
feels a bit unbalanced ?

Chartres like Labyrinth carved on a Tagua nut - finger labyrinth - hypnoglyph

The same labyrinth as before, carved on a Tagua nut, 
to be used as a finger labyrinth
Alternative version  - Chartres like Labyrinth carved on tagua nut - 5 sectors - 11 circuitsAlternative version  - Chartres like Labyrinth carved on tagua nut - 5 sectors - 11 circuits

Chartres like Labyrinth drawn on a spherical surface - Potato

Another 5 lobes labyrinth, wrapped onto a potato :
Alternative version  - Chartres like Labyrinth drawn on potato - 5 sectors - 11 circuits
The potato was granted the following version 
of a five lobes Chartres-like Labyrinth :
Alternative version  - Chartres like Labyrinth that was drawn on potato - 5 sectors - 11 circuits

Transposing - Chartres-like Labyrinth - Dodecahedron - 5 sectors - 11 circuits

The same version as before, after a transposition (by different method than for the potato) on the surface of a dodecahedron.
Alternative version  - Chartres like Labyrinth transposed on dodecahedron - 5 sectors - 11 circuits
There, each circuit/level is represented by one face of the dodecahedron, among eleven of those. The last face represents the inner and the outer space (center and outside of the Chartres-like labyrinth). Each lobe, and each of the two central paths of the Chartres-like Labyrinth (the entry and arrival at the centre)  is represented by a lane in which the path will be followed.  

Here a video silently illustrating (or just suggesting) the process of transposition :

Another Chartres like Labyrinth carved on a Tagua nut - finger labyrinth - hypnoglyph

The next 5 lobes, 11 circuits Chartres-like labyrinth I'll make will be this one :

here, carved on a rather angular tagua nut
Alternative version  - Chartres like Labyrinth carved on tagua nut - 5 sectors - 11 circuits

Alternative version  - Chartres like Labyrinth that was carved on tagua nut - 5 sectors - 11 circuits

Computer program generated Chartres-like Labyrinths - javascript - Google Script

 June 10, 2020 - I finally wrote my own prototype of a labyrinth generator computer program... it's still imperfect, limited by my incompetence and by some restrictions of the tools i could use (exploration with Google script + rendering in html and javascript). With Google script, despite the 6 minutes limit of running time, the whole exploration is possible for 11 circuits and 5 sectors (with some pruning to avoid disgraceful labyrinths)... but not all of the output via the log (don't know how to write elsewhere, yet). For the rendering, I've some improvements to do...

Some of the 42300 labyrinths found by the computer program

See here, 1 in 150 of the more than 42300 labyrinth the computer program has found. :

some of 42300 computer program generated labyrinths

42341 labyrinths and a strange technical glitch

See how the technique used (canevas, in html) draws labyrinths that are more "decayed" when drawn farther from the origin.
click on the video below...

More info found : what other people had been doing...

Blogmymaze - Andreas Frei

April 10, 2020 - I find a blog, BLOGMYMAZE ( https://blogmymaze.wordpress.com ), that explores labyrinths, and examines a few cases of "11 circuits, 4 sectors" labyrinths :

Mark Wallinger

April 10, 2020 - Someone has already done this kind of work extensively : in 2013, Mark Wallinger, British artist, has shown 270 distinct labyrinths, one in each of London tube station. There was also a catalog of that; see for instance : 

Jo Edkins

May 8, 2020 - An interesting blog compares existing (or having existed) mazes similar to the Chartres Labyrinth. It uses the rectangular transcription to ease the comparison.  

Also shows some new designs. http://www.gwydir.demon.co.uk/jo/maze/chartres/index.htm ... this site will soon cease to exist, replaced by www.theedkins.co.uk .... where I was unable to find the same information about mazes... too bad...

Caerdroia - Labyrinthos - Andreas Frei, Hellen Galo, Tristan Smith, Jacques Hébert, ...

May 24, 2020 - Publications n°33 to n°39 of "Caerdroia - the Journal of Mazes & Labyrinths" are available in PDF versions on http://www.labyrinthos.net/digitaldownload.html. Particularly, among many other things, you'll see articles about :
- some variants of Chartres-like labyrinths, explanation from Andreas Frei about his way of cataloging labyrinths, in Caerdroia 39  (links to his website, in German, that seems rather empty) ; 
- Amerindian mazes, in Caerdroia 38 ;
- how to create perfect labyrinths (Frei's graph + Hébert notation + 6 canonical labyrinths),by Ellen Galo, in Caerdroia 37 ; this article is also available in the archive of the most requested past articles... so... the subject is clearly interesting to a fair number of people :-)
- Kota labyrinths in southern India, in Caerdroia 36 ;
- how to analyze, design and scale up chartres-like labyrinths, by Andreas Frei, in Caerdroia 35 ;
- a computer program for generating medieval labyrinths, by Tristan Smith, in Caerdoia 35; we read that without enforcing strict enough rules about the properties of the labyrinths, there is ~5 million versions of a 11 circuits / 4 sectors labyrinth. The article links to Tristan Smith's website, where a good number (rapid count : more than 130) of alternative versions of Chartres-like labyrinths have been generated by the program (or with its help), using strict enough rules. The set of rules of Jacques Hébert gives just 20 "canonical labyrinths" that would be (i guess) the most "Chartres-like".
See  https://www.otsys.com/~tsmith/daedalus.html ; the images of the labyrinths are in 4 pdfs ;
Also, the definitions corresponding to the rules that the program can respect are here  https://www.otsys.com/~tsmith/properties.html (but the article in Caerdrioa is clearer : shows examples)
a mathematical notation for medieval labyrinths, by Jacques Hébert, in Caerdroia 34;

surprise... Andreas Frei is actually also one of the authors of the blog Blogmymaze (see higher)... 

The most requested past articles of Caerdoia are made available in the archive
  http://www.labyrinthos.net/caerdroiaarchive.html#CaerdroiaIndex which also has a PDF listing all of the articles from 1980 to 2019... from which i extract this very small selection : the articles that may help in describing and creating variants :
#29 (1998)Developing the Labyrinth: Alex Champion, p.43-51: re-drawing the classical labyrinth - new variants.
#34 (2004, pdf online)A Mathematical Notation for Medieval Labyrinths, p.37-43: Jacques Hébert explains.
#35 (2005, pdf online)The Cascading Serpentine, p.19-26: Andreas Frei examines the Chartres labyrinth structure.
#35 (2005, pdf online)A Daedalus for the 21st Century, p.27-33: Tristan Smith’s software labyrinth builder.
#37 (2008, pff online)Sigmund Gossembrot’s Labyrinth: A Very Special Design, p.41-44: Andreas Frei takes a look at an unusual labyrinth from the 15th century.
#37 (2008, pdf online)Further Thoughts on ‘Perfect’ Labyrinths & How to Create Them, p.45-49: Ellen Galo dissects the structure of mathematically ‘perfect’ labyrinths.
#38 (2008, pdf online)Two Labyrinths Compared: What They Have in Common, p.60-63: Andreas Frei takes a look at two apparently different labyrinths in early manuscripts.
#39 (2009, pdf online)The True Design of Sens, p.28-32: Richard Myers Shelton compares the two known designs of the Sens Cathedral labyrinth and asks which is correct?
#39 (2009, pdf online)A Catalogue of Historical Labyrinth Patterns, p.37-47: Andreas Frei describes the findings of his labyrinth design analysis project. Labyrinthos Archive 13
#40 (April 2011)Greys Court: an invitation to symmetry, p.21-35: Richard Myers Shelton explores the symmetry inherent in certain labyrinths.
#40 (April 2011)Considering the Duality of Labyrinths, p.40-47: Andreas Frei examines a hidden property of labyrinth designs.
#46 (July 2017)Searching in the Mirror, p.34-48: Richard Myers Shelton completes his series on the geometry of symmetric labyrinth designs.
#48 (April 2019)Basic Labyrinth Math, p.37-49: Richard Myers Shelton explains the rules of labyrinth structure.
#49 (May 2020)Medieval Marvels: Fifty-Three Eleven-Circuit Manuscript Labyrinths, p.8-27: Jill K.H. Geoffrion & Alain Pierre Louët look at an extensive group of manuscripts produced prior to 1500

2020/09/13 - another description - with stricter rules - of what should be considered a Chartres-like labyrinth. In http://www.lavigne.dk/labyrinth/e6charst.htm. Chartres-like labyrinths would be made of a combination of those patterns :

to be continued....

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